We support victims of racist, right-wing extremist or antisemitic attacks. We are independent and we take sides: we support those who have suffered or are suffering from right-wing violence. Right-wing violence is often aimed at people who are denied equal rights in their daily life: refugees and immigrants, non-right-wing and alternative youth, homosexuals, people with disabilities and homeless people. We help the victims to get over the effects of an attack and gain new perspectives.

We offer counselling at the place of your choice and, if requested, anonymously, for: victims and witnesses of rightwing violence and/or friends and relatives. We accompany them to government offices and agencies, doctors’ appointments and trials. We organize interpreters, give legal advice and help find lawyers and therapists.

We intervene if victims of right-wing violence feel isolated. Public solidarity with the victims discourages and inhibits the perpetrators. Therefore we document the level of rightwing violence and support initiatives that stand with the victims on a local level.
About Our Online Councelling
by Radio Corax with support of Common Voices Radio